The paramount importance of trademark as a value driver in the economy is widely
acknowledged by the business, academic, market, and practitioner communities.
The term dilution though known internationally is yet not able to achieve its desired place in
the international conventions and treaty arrangements. Dilution has found its place in a
number of soft laws, however such policy initiatives are not binding on the states and as a
result different approach is followed by different country for the same. For example, the
United States provides for protection of famous mark while TRIPS talks about the "well
known mark" and European countries protect a "mark with a reputation".
The thesis explores the concept of Trademark dilution and its development in various
international and regional jurisdictions namely India, United States, and United Kingdom. It
also analyses the scope of protection provided among these jurisdiction for such 'dilution'.
Further it includes the internet based dilution by registration of confusingly similar domain
In the final analysis it is concluded that the Standards for dilution are yet not settled across
various jurisdictions and a proactive approach is required to bring the various countries on the
same platform and understanding.