In recent years scholars, industry practitioners and regulators have dedicated considerable
attention to the topic and study of Corporate governance. With a combination of incidents
in recent history and of high profile debacles, such as the implosion of Lehman Brothers
Holdings, America's fourth-largest investment bank that precipitated or contributed to a
degree in the financial crisis almost a decade back, press, legislators and academia have
found reason to intensify interest in understanding, redefining and solidifying corporate
governance practices to avoid such occurrences in the future. A considerable attention is
also being paid to the development of measurement tools for measuring corporate
governance and assess best practices in the domain by firms. This thesis is aimed at
understanding the global corporate governance paradigm, its measurement by state and
private agencies in terms of development of corporate governance indices and
understanding the response of India to the question of corporate governance. It also makes
an attempt to devise a workable corporate governance measurement index for India
keeping the country specific market and regulatory factors as consideration. It further
leaves scope for the expansion of research by creating the continuously evolving index
with the possibility of addition of newer and more market-relevant and contemporary