This is a Research work carried out independently on the topic "Endangered
Species and the Indian Law - An Evaluative Study". An attempt has been made to
examine the different conservation method of Endangered Species including critically
analyzing the every method on the basis of nature, time and problem. This research
work finds out that Lacuna of Indian legal system to conserve Endangered Species
and possible solution along with comparative study.
Chapter-I makes on acquaintance with introductory approach of the Research
Study. Chapter-ll envisages the defects of Indian legal system to conserve the
Endangered Species and examine the application of conservation method. Chapterm investigates the different conservation method and find out. which Endangered
Species can be protected under which conservation method and also speaks out the
contribution of international Jaw to frame the conservation method. Chapter-IV
examines the Endangered Species Act and its conservation method including recent
changes the USA has adopted. It discuss also the UK Endangered Species
Conservation method under the wild life & countryside Act and wild mammals
protection Act-1996 and other individual species Acts. In the Chapter-V conclusion
has been drawn as to the findings of the research. Here it has been recommended and
emphasized for bringing about amendments, for adopting strong enforcement